Счетчик: боковой список лучших персонажей (и механизмов). Топ Геймер, 25.06.2024 Updated on June 25th, 2024 🚀 Хочешь улететь на Луну вместе с нами? Подписывайся на CryptoMoon! 💸 Новости крипты, аналитика и прогнозы, которые дадут твоему кошельку ракетный ускоритель! 📈 Нажмите здесь: 👇 CryptoMoon Telegram Это HTML-код таблицы, в которой отображаются имена шести членов команды на каждой позиции: Рейнджер, Нападающий, Снайпер, Защитник и Экстра. В первом столбце указывается название должности, а во втором и третьем столбцах — имена соответствующих членов команды, разделенные запятыми. Вот разбивка кода: В интригующей игре «Counter: Side», где элементы научной фантастики и гача-ролевых игр сливаются с двухмерной боковой прокруткой Tower Defense и намеком на Clash Royale, мы придумали решение для выбора оптимальных юнитов. Чтобы помочь игрокам принять обоснованное решение о том, каких персонажей включить в свою колоду из восьми человек, мы подготовили хорошо продуманный «Счетчик: список побочных уровней». Counter: Side известна своим уникальным подходом к поддержанию честного PvP-опыта за счет внедрения системы банов (получив награду «Лучшая соревновательная игра 2021 года» в Google Play). Для тех, кто любит ролевые игры с интригующим сюжетом, Counter: Side предлагает захватывающий сюжет, наполненный сложными персонажами и мрачными оттенками. Как геймер, я могу вам сказать, что название «Counter:Side» имеет некоторое сходство с популярным шутером от первого лица Counter-Strike. Но в отличие от многих других гача-ролевых игр, где персонажами являются исключительно люди, эта игра привносит что-то новое. В Counter:Side в качестве игровых персонажей можно управлять не только пехотными подразделениями, но и военной техникой, даже роботами, похожими на Titanfall. Это не просто несколько человек, их существует целая фракция! Это освежающее изменение для любителей мобильных гача-игр или поклонников военной техники, поскольку жанру часто не хватает разнообразия и он предлагает в основном вайфу или мужо. Персонажи в этой игре предлагают больше, чем просто эстетику; большинство из них обладают уникальными способностями, которые оказываются полезными в различных ситуациях (за исключением некоторых, таких как PZH Mobile Gun, которые менее желательны). С этим покончено. В преддверии выхода официальной глобальной версии мы создали рейтинг каждого персонажа. Этот список уровней будет учитывать соотношение выгод и затрат каждого персонажа, а также краткое обоснование того, почему мы считаем, что они заслуживают такого рейтинга. Мы также сгруппируем список уровней на PvP и PvE, поскольку заметили, что некоторые персонажи абсолютно выдающиеся в PvE, и наоборот. Клоуз, Ра. Мы также будем принимать во внимание только ужасно сложный эндгейм-контент, включая совместную игру гильдий, Delic Dungeons, Shadow Hall и Raids. Этот список уровней будет регулярно обновляться с появлением новых персонажей или исправлениями баланса. Быстрая навигация 1 список уровней мехов (PvE) Механическая фракция преимущественно зависит от наличия большого количества или огромной огневой мощи, чтобы компенсировать недостаток продвинутых способностей или уникальных навыков. В настоящее время эта фракция переживает особенно низкую точку. Уровень S Класс Имя Анализ Башня Сигма Я большой поклонник пассивной способности моего чемпиона — Протокола Сигмы. Это значительно повышает синергию нашей команды, нейтрализуя слабые стороны типов, а это означает, что ваш защитник получает меньше урона от атак рейнджеров, несмотря на их преимущество. С другой стороны, ваши отряды защитников наносят ответный удар, увеличивая на 60% урон сопротивляющимся классам отрядов. Нападающий Ифрит — Нападающий Пробужденный горизонт — Нападающий Триана Титан — Рейнджер Тарраск — Нападающий Горизонт нераскрытого дела — Уровень Класс Имя Анализ Нападающий Дятел Я большой поклонник режимов «Дворец теней» и «Испытание», и этот отряд действительно проявляет себя в этих сценариях. Благодаря своей умеренной стоимости и громоздкой конструкции он предлагает большую универсальность на поле боя. Более того, у него есть скрытая сила, которая делает его эффективным противодействием стратегиям раша Сигмы или других подразделений Башни. Фактически, когда наземных войск противника не осталось, этот отряд становится грозным осадным отрядом, пробивающимся к вражеской базе, чтобы сеять хаос. Защитник Горизонт — Рейнджер Янус — Снайпер Грендель — Уровень B Класс Имя Нападающий Титан Рейнджер Воробей Снайпер — Защитник Морс, Перелив Дополнительно — Уровень C Класс Имя Нападающий ATL-Линкольн Рейнджер Арахна, ATF-35 «Тандерболт» Снайпер Калюк Защитник Собака, Развитая Дополнительно Голиаф, тактический транспортер N уровень Класс Имя Нападающий Колесница, MA1 HMMWV, ATL-1 Lincoln Рейнджер ЗСУ Шилка, АТБ-1Б Копье, Черный Хвост Снайпер Жнец, РСЗО, Эстак Защитник — Дополнительно Клан ACH-4 относится к конкретной группе, а Tactical Truck Deuce-and-a-half — военная машина грузоподъемностью две с половиной тонны. Балисада — неизвестный термин, требующий пояснения. Rhino — это бронетранспортер или боевая бронированная машина. Глюк можно заменить термином «неисправность» или «техническая проблема». Баллиста — это древняя осадная машина, используемая для запуска больших стрел или болтов. ATAC-130 Gunship — это бортовой комплекс вооружения, а PZH Mobile Gun — самоходная артиллерийская установка. 2-уровневый список мехов (PvP) The mechan faction mainly depends on having large bodies or immense firepower to make up for the absence of advanced abilities or unique skills they currently possess. At this moment, they are experiencing a significant setback. S tier Class Name Analysis Tower Sigma As a gamer, I can tell you that my character’s passive skill, Sigma Protocol, is highly valued for the reasons mentioned in the PvE section earlier on. Among her various abilities, her unique skill stands out as it functions like a battery, enabling me to regenerate deployment costs at an accelerated pace. Lastly, her ultimate ability, Machine God Daddy, is a game-changer in PvP teams. With its powerful knockback capabilities, it’s a welcome addition, although strong ranger units may easily shred it. Striker Ifrit — Striker Awakened Horizon — Striker Triana Titan — Defender Horizon — Sniper Grendel — Defender Evolved One — Striker Coldcase Horizon — A tier Class Name Analysis Striker Woodpecker A mid-sized air device with an affordable price tag. Easily relocated for frequent use and effective against swift enemy advances. Interestingly enough, it has proven powerful in disrupting towers placed deep within the adversary’s stronghold. Defender Mors — Defender Overflow — Striker Glitch — B tier Class Name Analysis Striker — Ranger ATF-35 Thunderbolt, Sparrow, Tarrasque, Janus Sniper Buzzard Defender Extra Balisada, Rhino, Goliath C tier Class Name Striker MA1 HMWWV, Chariot, Titan, ATL-Lincoln, Titan Ranger Arachne Sniper HM MRLS, Reaper Defender Hound Extra PZH Mobile Gun, Tactical Transporter N tier Class Name Striker ATL-1 Lincoln, MA1 HMMWV Ranger ZSU Shilka, ATB-1B Spear, Black Tail Sniper Estaque Defender — Extra Tactical Deuce-and-a-half, ACH-4 Clan, Ballista, ATAC-130 Gunship Список 3-х солдат (PvE) A soldier faction is characterized by the belief that «might makes right,» yet despite being weaker individually, they compensate in numbers and pack a significant punch. They can inflict heavy damage on their enemies through their collective high firepower. Additionally, their ability to absorb hits as a group enables them to endure greater assaults. S tier Class Name Analysis Ranger Admin. Rifleman He is indispensable with a high damage output and has the ability to swiftly eliminate most targets at an affordable price. A valuable asset against bulky defenders like Awakened Hilde. Striker Admin. Sword Fighter This strategy is effective in various types of content. It deals significant damage while maintaining a good level of defense with high evasion. The passive skill, named «Survival Instinct,» restores the full health of one character when another dies, but only if they’re not both eliminated by an area-of-effect attack at the same time. Defender Admin. Shieldman This character excels in the Guild Cooperative, Shadow Palace, and Danger Close missions. Priced affordably as a pair, they offer superior defense with their built-in skill, the Local Phase-locking Device, which has the ability to attract enemy attention. Striker Ciel Marronier — Sniper Curian — A tier Class Name Analysis Striker Terminator As a seasoned gamer, I excel in various gaming situations. I’m particularly effective in raids, guild cooperative missions, and close-quarter battles. Although I may not be as bulky and powerful as Arnold Schwarzenegger, my Armor-Piercing Buckshot comes with a unique touch. It weakens enemies by debuffing their defense stats while simultaneously dealing substantial damage. However, this potent ability comes at a cost of 4 deployment points. Ranger Eddie Fisher Excellent performance in Guild Co-op, Shadow Palace, and Danger Close. Indispensable in hybrid Counter/Soldier decks due to his versatile buffs. The Experienced Veteran passive enhances the defense of Counters, while Pro Mercenary boosts the attack power of fellow Soldiers. Supporter Ironside In a pure mechanic team, this unit shines with its effective healing capabilities. However, in other teams, it may be considered below average and ranked as a tier N unit. Additionally, its popularity is amplified by the amusing reference to «Juan.» Ranger Investigator Kang — Striker Veronica — Supporter Lone Lee — Sniper Warden — Supporter Revenant — Sniper Dorothy — Sniper Karin Wong, Awakened Karin Wong — B tier Class Name Analysis Defender Overflow, Stronghold Ranger John Mason, Assault Trooper, Rivet, Special Forces Sorim, Nicole Sniper Jane Doe, Choi Jihoon Extra — Striker — C tier Class Name Defender Tommy the die-hard, Shieldman Ranger Han Sorim, Kang Soyoung Sniper Adamant Sniper Extra Choi Ina Striker Glitch N tier Class Name Defender Charlie Rockwood, Kang Minwoo Ranger Recoiless Gunner, Scout, Rifleman, Peacekeeper, Rifleman, UBGL Rifleman Sniper Stinger Gunner, Sniper, Sweeper Extra Brownie Moore, Mortar Team Striker Jessica Green, Suppressor, Hayami Kanade Список 4-х солдат (PvP) As a soldier gamer, I lead my faction with the belief that strength lies in numbers and firepower. Although we may be weaker individually, we make up for it by overwhelming our enemies with our superior weaponry and ability to absorb hits. S tier Class Name Analysis Ranger Admin. Rifleman This card deals immense damage at an affordable price of 2. Protect it in your backline and observe as it effortlessly cuts through enemies’ defenses, just like a hot knife gliding through butter. Ranger Kang Soyoung As a devoted fan of the game, I strongly advise players to bring this character into their roster from Side Story. Her unique ability to counter squishy backline sniper and ranger units is truly unparalleled, all thanks to her passive skill, «Where’s the Location.» This skill can wreak havoc on most snipers, with the exception of Hayami Sanae who has enough bulk to endure an attack. Not only that, but her second passive skill, «Special Service Commander,» offers a beneficial buff to nearby allied soldiers, making her an invaluable addition to any team. Striker Jane Doe As a devoted fan, I’d describe it this way: With impressive evasive skills, top-notch attack statistics, and a knack for scoring critical hits, she is an indispensable component of a striker rush team. Her true potential unfolds when partnered with Matador. Striker Ciel Marronier In the latest update, version 1.28.274379, Ciel Marronier was introduced into the game. Based on initial observations, she seems excessively powerful in PvP arena settings. She’s undeniably a valuable addition to any team as a striker. Ranger Investigator Kang — Sniper Curian — Sniper Warden — A tier Class Name Analysis Ranger Assault Trooper As a cunning gamer, I’d recommend a budget-friendly, stealthy addition to your strategy: a trio of surprise backline attackers. These unassuming units can sneak up on enemies, dealing minor damage to their ships’ health and creating chaos with unexpected interruptions. Defender Admin. Shieldman Affordable defensive player with the passive ability Local Phase-Locking Device, effectively drawing enemy attacks towards himself, and possesses a high capacity for absorbing significant hits. Sniper Adamant Sniper This woman, with hidden potential, can significantly contribute to the team despite her relatively low rarity. She stays safely in the background, avoiding danger, yet delivers reasonable damage. Supporter Ironside As a dedicated healer gamer, I can confidently say that this character offers exceptional value with their affordable price tag and impressive healing percentage. They are undeniably S-tier when it comes to supporting my team. However, as the gaming meta evolves in the future, the significance of my healing mech’s niche may diminish. Striker Admin. Sword Fighter An invaluable team member, she inflicts substantial damage on enemies uninterrupted. Her inherent ability, referred to as «survival instinct,» revives other team members when she falls, thereby enhancing our squad’s resilience. However, an increasing number of area-of-effect (AoE) damage dealers have exploited this passive’s vulnerability. Ranger Eddie Fisher In PvP, this character plays a similar defensive role to prominent Counter/Soldier teams. They excel as premier buffers, yet their statistics are on the average side. Striker Veronica — Striker Glitch — Supporter Revenant — Sniper Dorothy — Defender Overflow — Ranger Special Forces Sorim — Defender Kang Minwoo — B tier Class Name Defender Stronghold Ranger John Mason, Rivet, Nicole Sniper Choi Jihoon Striker — Extra Choi Ina, Brownie Moore C tier Class Name Defender — Ranger Han Sorim Sniper Stinger Gunner Extra Lone Lee Striker Hayami Kanade N tier Class Name Defender Charlie Rockwood, Shieldman, Tommy the Die-hard Ranger Scout, Recoiless Gunner, Riflemen, Peacekeeper, Rifleman, UBGL Rifleman Sniper Stinger Gunner, Sniper, Sweeper Striker Terminator, Suppressor, Jessica Green Extra Mortar Team 5-уровневый список счетчиков (PvE) The «Counter Faction,» as they’re called, are extraordinary beings endowed with an array of unique and peak abilities. They have dedicated themselves to defending humankind from the imminent danger posed by the Corrupted Objects. Amongst the three factions, this one stands out for its adaptability and dominance. S tier Class Name Analysis Ranger Gaeun It’s essential to have this top-tier ranger in your team from the beginning, effortlessly obtained through rerolling the starter banner. Her formidable attack power, extended range, and useful utilities make her an indispensable asset. Ranger Nanahara Chifuyu With a cost of just 3 units and boasting a substantial size for her classification, this character’s Cherry Blossom Slash skill offers an impressive combination. It can weaken enemies’ defenses, inflict stun debuffs, and deals significant area-of-effect damage all at once. An exceptionally versatile move that excels in various content types. Supporter Evelyn Keller A character combining healing and attacking abilities offers uninterrupted healing using «Heka’s Tonic» and deals reasonable damage through «Hermes Trismegistus.» This dual-role figure is an indispensable asset for all content and complements Claudia Nelson effectively. Supporter Claudia Nelson A healer concentrating on instant healing, upon being utilized, their Benevolent Faith restores a substantial amount of health to allies. Can render your team virtually invulnerable in numerous PvE scenarios. Effective when combined with Evelyn Keller. Ranger Kyle Wong As a dedicated gamer, I’d describe my primary asset, the Strategy Bulwark, as a reliable shield. It has the ability to deploy two sturdy barricades when the situation calls for solid defensive support. indispensable in challenging game modes like Danger Close and Shadow Palace. Supporter Yang Harim As a devoted fan, I can’t help but strongly suggest that players consider rerolling to acquire this exceptional character. She excels in both Player versus Environment (PvE) and Player versus Player (PvP), offering a wealth of beneficial utilities for your team. Her most notable skills include the barrier ability that safeguards allies, as well as her impressive 40% skill haste, which enables numerous units (including future awakened ones) to swiftly unleash their powerful ultimate attacks. Her ultimate skill is truly a game-changer; it not only damages and debuffs enemies but also grants attack up buffs to allies, empowering them for optimal performance. Ranger Rosaria le Freide Exceptional in handling even the most challenging PvE content across the board, this character stands out with an impressive ability to dish out substantial damage over vast areas. An added advantage: a 4-second window of invulnerability following the activation of their unique skills. Defender [*] Awakened Hilde The initial combat unit stands out for her robustness and ability to withstand fierce assaults from formidable enemies in Shadow Palace, Dive, and Danger Close. Players can rely on her unyielding defense, which is reinforced by various mechanics. However, she may be taken off course if caught off-guard by an enemy sneaking up from behind. Striker Eins & Zwei In PvE scenarios, their function remains consistent; they are affordably priced at 2 costs, capable of inflicting significant damage, and boast a substantial health pool. They excel in various types of PvE encounters. Sniper Kestrel Xiao Lin — Striker Abyssal Ravage Orca — Supporter Awakened Shin Jia — Supporter Sky Layfield — Striker Near Astraea Esterosa — Sniper Replacer Queen — Striker Awakened Joo Shiyoon — Supporter Carmen — Ranger Awakened Lee Sooyeon — Ranger Awakened Seo Yoon — Supporter Rita Arsenico — Striker Awakened Yuna Springfield — Ranger Rosaria le Friede — Defender Serapel — Defender Awakened Jake — Sniper Lyudmila — Defender Breakbeat Alex — Defender Hero Blossom Kaci — A tier Class Name Ranger Seo Yoon, Shin Jia, Frederick Doma, Christina Brecht, Lucrecia, Kim Sobin, Yamata no Orochi, Ace of Wings Lee Sooyeon, Altergressive Seo Yoon Striker Roy Burnett, Lin Xien, Orca, Spira, Arhat Joo Shiyoon, Solar Codex Yuna Sniper Karin Wong, Edel Meitner, Dash Defender Lee Yumi, Replacer King, Kaci Bins, Kim Hana, Levia, Type:Siegfried Hilde, Jake Stormbringer Extra Nanahara Chinatsu, Maria Antonov, Maestra Nequitia, Arius Esquede, Singularity Shin Jia B tier Class Name Ranger Nayuka Minato, Plaga, Joo Shiyoon, Ministra, Awakened Maria, Blue Blood Elizabeth, Biblide, Kim Hana Striker Esterosa de Chevalier, Cindy Looper, Hilde, Joo Shiyoung, Awakened Yoo Mina, Ella, Clareth, Alex, Liona, Yen Xing Lanchester, Serina Crew, Fenrir Yoo Mina Sniper Xiao Lin, Hayami Sanae, Sylvia Lena Cooper, Amy Firstwing, Lucid, Arti Lana, Awakened Amy Defender Dominic King Reginald, Mone, Carlota, Awakened Na Yubin, Six Wings Na Yubin Extra Jisoo Lee, Regina MacCready, Laura of Purple Mist, Xiao Linc the Nester, Machine Hoarder, and Six-Winged Lee Jisoo. C tier Class Name Ranger Cathy Wade, Elizabeth Pendragon, Na Yubin (young), Lee Yuri, Expert Merc Yoo Mina Striker Jake Walker, Lee Sooyeon, Ingrid Johanna, Replacer Bishop, Dracasia Sniper Best Streamer Miya, Agent Eujin, Lycoris Defender Ryan Ferrier, Irie Alford, Fione Lowell, Best Mascot Irie Extra Gabriel, Lumi, [*] Awakened Lee Jisoo, Lulu, Dark Seven Sylvia, Raphaela Juri, Lara Jaeger N tier Class Name Ranger Yang Hansol, Yoo Mina, Yuna Springfield, Thaddeus Morgan, Bomi, Cho Hojin Striker As a devoted fan, I’d like to share one way of expressing the names of these amazing individuals in a natural and easy-to-understand manner: Sniper Maya Hunt, Kim Chowon, Miya, Jaina Kropel, Shena Defender Choi Gangsan, Lee Dafoe, Kim Chulsoo, Hirose Aki, Benedict Constantine, Ogami Masaki, Fiona Lowell, and Replacer Knight can be referred to as: Extra As a gamer, I’d suggest paraphrasing the names as follows: 6-уровневый список счетчиков (PvP) As a dedicated gamer, I’d describe it this way: The Counter Faction, the titular powerhouses, are extraordinary beings who have harnessed an astonishing array of unique and ultimate abilities to safeguard humanity against the looming menace of Corrupted Objects. Among the trio, they stand out as the most adaptable and dominant force. S tier Class Name Analysis Ranger Gaeun In any team, she is a universally essential member and holds significant power in Player versus Player (PvP) scenarios due to the reasons outlined in the PvE section. In Korea and Southeast Asia regions, players frequently choose to prohibit her use. Ranger Kyle Wong Call for the deployment of two defensive barriers intermittently to shield your allies. These barriers have the ability to divert the enemy’s assault away from your vulnerable backline units. Ranger Nanahara Chifuyu Exceptionally impressive for the same reasons explained in the PvE segment. An effective opening move that significantly reduces enemies’ defenses, facilitating easier elimination for your allies. Supporter Evelyn Keller As a fan of strategic gameplay, I would describe a Healer/Attacker hybrid as a versatile character who keeps allies in top shape using Heka’s Tonic, while also dishing out notable damage with Hermes Trismegistus. This unique combination makes them an essential addition to any team and my go-to choice when seeking a reliable healer. Supporter Claudia Nelson As a gamer, I’d describe this character as a versatile burst healer. When brought back into the game, her unique ability to heal upon re-entry can be effectively utilized. She serves as an excellent backup option when Evelyn is unavailable for selection. Striker Eins & Zwei Introducing the formidable twin duo as your first battle pass character! Their ultimate ability grants them invulnerability and draws nearby enemies into their melee, immobilizing them. As a 2-in-1 unit, they boast impressive durability and deal widespread damage. At an incredibly affordable price of 2, these terrifying twins bring significant value to your team and make for a fearsome opening act. Defender Awakened Hilde With a sky-high price tag of 6, this character boasts an impressive size and excels at absorbing damage from all sources. Currently, she reigns supreme in ranked Player versus Player (PvP) matches. To counter her effectiveness, consider deploying administration riflemen or other units to take her out. Likewise, backdoor units could lure her into charging in the wrong direction using her unique skill. Supporter Yang Harim Her team support abilities are exceptionally robust, offering a 40% increase in skill haste, healing capabilities, and the simultaneous application of debuffs and protective barriers to enemies. She is an indispensable addition and is often chosen as the main support character for every team. Striker Awakened Yoo Mina In contrast to SEA (Southeast Asia), this variant allows her to be released in a post-buff condition. Upon emergence, she inflicts immense damage that can obliterate virtually all field elements if properly timed. Defensively, her passive ability named «Wolf Fangs» grants her an unbeatable evasion rate, enabling her to avoid enemy attacks effortlessly. Additionally, she possesses the capability to impose skill seals on adversaries. Ranger — Seo Yoon, formerly known as Lee Sooyeon, also recognized as Rosaria le Friede, Lucrecia, Blue Blood Elizabeth, and Altergressive Seo Yoon. Striker — The Abyssal Ravage Orca, located close to Astraea Esterosa, has been awakened by Joo Shiyoon and Yuna Springfield. Spira, Yen Xing Lanchester, Ingrid Johanna, Arhat Joo Shiyoon, Fenrir Yoo Mina are also awakened beings nearby. Sniper — Kestrel Xiao Lin, Replacer Queen, Amy Firstwing, Arti Lana, Awakened Amy Defender — Serapel, Awakened Jake, Breakbeat Alex, Replacer King, Awakened Na Yubin, Levia, Six Wings Na Yubin, Hero Blossom Kaci Extra — Carmen, Rita Arsenico, Maestra Nequitia, Purple Mist Laura, Nest Keeper Xiao Linc, Machine Collector, Dark Seven Sylvia, Raphaela Juri, Harab, Lily, Gremory, Singularity Shin Jia A tier Class Name Ranger Joo Shiyoon, Elizabeth Pendragon, Rosaria le Freide, Frederick Doma, Christina Brecht, Yamata no Orochi, Awakened Maria, Ace of Wings Lee Sooyeon Striker Ingrid Johana, Lin Xien, Ella, Alex, Replacer Bishop, Naielle Bluesteel, Solar Codex Yuna Sniper Xiao Lin, Karin Wong, Lyudmila, Best Streamer Miya, Sylvia Lena Cooper Defender Lee Yumi, Kaci Bins, Carlota, Type:Siegfried Hilde, Jake Stormbringer Extra Awakened Shin Jia, Sky Layfield, Lumi B tier Class Name Ranger Nayuka Minato, Ministra, Biblide, Kim Hana Striker Hilde, Cindy Looper, Lee Sooyeon, Joo Shiyoung, Clareth, Liona, Dracasia, Esterosa de Chevalier Sniper Edel Meitner, Hayami Sanae, Dash, Agent Eujin, Lycoris Defender Dominic King Reginald, Irie Alford, Best Mascot Irie, Replacer Knight Extra Introducing Lee Jisoo, also known as Regina MacCready, along with Gabriel, Arius Esquede, Lulu, the Six Wings, and Nanahara Chinatsu. C tier Class Name Ranger Expert Merc Yoo Mina, Yoo Mina, Kim Sobin, Shin Jia, Na Yubin Striker Jake Walker, Liv Allen, Frederick Yuma, Roy Burnett, Serina Crew, Orca, Eujin Sniper Jaina Kropel, Shena, Miya Defender Ryan Ferrier, Benedict Constantine, Mone Extra Mika ★ Star, Lee Jin, Laura Beatrix, Edith Twins, Maria Antonov N tier Class Name Ranger Cho Hojin, Thaddeus Morgan, Yuna Springfield, Yang Hansol, Cathy Wade Striker Oh Saerom, Bomi, Park Hyunsoo, Amy Strickland, Zena Bird, Nina Anderson Sniper Kim Chowon, Maya Hunt, Lucid Defender Fione Lowell, Ogami Masaki, Choi Gangsan, Lee Dafoe, Kim Chulsoo Extra Lara Jaeger, Hirose Aki, Lee Minseo, Shim Somi, Gambler Смотрите также Романтика скоростного прохождения с нашим гайдом по гекс-подаркам и химии Warframe Пэрис Хилтон поделилась «разрушительными» кадрами ее дома в Малибу, разрушенного пожарами в Лос-Анджелесе: «Горе поистине неописуемо» MU: Коды темной эпохи (август/сентябрь 2024 г.) Коды MU Dark Epoch (август 2024 г.) 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