В игре-спин-оффе Firebreak от Remedy Entertainment команды обычных офисных работников из Федерального бюро контроля (ФБК) исследуют постоянно меняющиеся коридоры Старейшего дома, сражаясь с чудовищами, известными как Хисс, и одержимыми предметами, такими как рои клейких листочков. В отличие от героя игры Control, который был новоназначенным директором ФБК с экстраординарными способностями, включая телекинез, эти сотрудники вооружены обычными оружием, таким как пистолеты и инструменты ближнего боя. Они прибыли после событий основной игры для проведения очистки, так как Старейший дом остается под карантином, пока ФБК ищет постоянное решение проблемы нашествия Хисса.
🚀 Готов к взлету? Ракета шлет сигналы, которые поднимут тебя на орбиту успеха. Не теряй время – пора действовать!
Присоединиться в ТелеграмВ команду Firebreak входят рейнджеры с военным прошлым, однако важно отметить, что большинство из них являются обычными офисными работниками, призванными служить паранормальными истребителями. По словам гейм-директора Майка Каяты, они представлены как секретари, менеджеры и другие сотрудники крупной бюрократии, которые встают на защиту, когда это необходимо, носят костюмы и вносят свой вклад наилучшим образом.
В игре Firebreak я оказался среди тех немногих бойцов против Хисс, которые оказались перед выбором между выживанием и желанием пойти дальше. Это похоже на добровольное принятие роли в своем отделе, например, стать фельдшером. Кооперативные миссии здесь называются ‘заданиями’, и эти задания являются душой игры Firebreak, как заметила Кайатта. Подобно тому, как работа пожарного сосредоточена вокруг тушения пожаров, все наши действия в Firebreak вращаются вокруг этих заданий. Мы сражаемся со своими ролями или просто исполняем их? Эта неопределенность отражает общую тему игры.
Работы и их механизмы регулирования внутри них поверхностно описаны на жаргоне, характерном для бюрократии. Каждая работа имеет уровень допуска (Clearance Level), который указывает количество зон в Доме Старейшин, которые необходимо очистить от Его присутствия (и тем самым оценивает продолжительность миссии), а также уровень угрозы (Threat Level), определяющий количество и частоту появления врагов, с соответствующими наградами за риск. В этой игре наборы для кризисов (Crisis Kits) относятся к предметам вроде оборудования и косметических средств, позволяя игрокам сохранять до трех загрузок и переключаться между ними во время выполнения миссий.
Я с нетерпением жду игры Firebreak, которая черпает вдохновение из классических командных шутеров, таких как Deep Rock Galactic. Что меня сейчас захватывает в игре — это термин «работа», хотя Ремиди (Remedy) и кажется неохотно использует его вне контекста этой игры, потому что хоть работа является ключевой частью Firebreak, разработчики не хотят, чтобы геймплей напоминал типичную работу. Вместо этого они стремятся к опыту, который может включать задачи, но при этом ощущается как что-то другое.
В данном контексте «работа» относится к игре по подписке (live service game), где ожидается регулярная авторизация для получения новых нарядов, оружия и аналогичных предметов. Игра Firebreak разработана иначе; она предназначена для того, чтобы игроки могли играть когда захотят, а не когда это диктуют разработчики. Как отметил Кайата в другом месте, они отходят от типичного стресса, связанного с играми по подписке, такого как ежедневные проверки, ежемесячные усилия (grind) и ограниченные во времени боевые пропуски (battle passes). По сути, Firebreak старается не превращаться для вас в дополнительную работу или обязательство.
Позиция Firebreak относительно термина «работа» в контексте игр с живым обслуживанием дает глубокое представление о сбивающем с толку дискурсе, который сейчас окружает эту тему в индустрии. В последующем интервью Каятта предположила, что даже самые критичные к играм с живым обслуживанием затрудняются дать определение этому термину. Фраза «выполнение второй работы» точно описывает ошеломляющую и парадоксальную природу проектов, обозначенных как игры с живым обслуживанием, от небольших инди-ужастиков до масштабных стратегических игр, запускающихся с обширными планами контента на 12 месяцев.
Обливион как пример живого сервиса.
Директор по связям Remedy Томас Пуха заявил: «Категория игр невероятно широка! Она включает такие названия как Call of Duty, Destiny и World of Warships, а также Vermintide, Hellraisers и Payday 2. Достаточно ли термин ‘live service’ охватывает все эти разнообразные виды игр? То, каким образом люди воспринимают понятие ‘игры как сервис’, особенно в современной среде, не является особо благоприятным.»
Я выражаю схожую тревогу относительно того, как дебаты о ‘live service’ играх вышли из-под контроля и теперь трудно следить за ними или разобраться в них. Я признаю, что мог способствовать непониманию, бездумно используя эти термины в нескольких статьях. Смутный характер понятия ‘live service’ может быть проблематичным, учитывая отрицательное отношение к нему среди геймеров, которые видят в этом признак хищнического, вызывающего зависимость дизайна и нереалистичных ожиданий игроков относительно частых обновлений контента. Кажется, что даже такие студии, как создатели Palworld — Pocketpair, чувствуют необходимость уточнить, что они не разрабатывают live service игру из-за отрицательной реакции.
Пуха и Каятта умело избегают упоминания конкретных названий, но ясно что они хотят дистанцироваться от недавних блокбастеров игр, которые были критически оценены из-за их компонентов живого обслуживания, как Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League, получившей негативную реакцию фанатов после успешной серии одиночных игр Batman Arkham от Rocksteady Studios. Это может быть проблемой для Firebreak, учитывая её стремление создавать общие истории по аналогии с Left 4 Dead в рамках любимой одиночной игры.
В беседе как и другие геймеры, Каятта высказал общее наблюдение относительно некоторых сервисов в прямом эфире: «Кажется, есть негласное правило, спускающееся откуда-то сверху – будь то издатель или студия – которое гласит ‘Вот наш новый Фортнайт, отдайте свои деньги.’ Этот подход рискует разрушить всё вокруг.
Как геймер, я могу смело заявить следующее: Эта игра не возникла из каких-то конкретных обсуждений или требований. Напротив, она появилась благодаря предоставленной нам возможности исследовать множество игровых миров — это действительно захватывающая перспектива! И позвольте мне сказать вам, что у нас есть команда, полная креативности, амбиций и страсти. Они предложили идею: «Вот такая игра, которую мы никогда не делали, но всегда мечтали создать».
Это последний ответ кажется предполагает определенную степень скептицизма. Учитывая его схожесть с предыдущими сеттингами, Firebreak может выглядеть как мультижанровое произведение, нацеленное на получение прибыли. Предполагается, что эта игра была разработана небольшой командой из 50 человек, тогда как основная команда Remedy работает над следующей частью Control. Сюжет игры представляется незначительным наполнителем, служащим главным образом мостом к разрешению проблемы Hisc, которую ожидают в Control 2. У Firebreak нет четкого сюжета, а скорее повторяющаяся последовательность заданий. Что касается Джесси, неясно, какую роль она будет играть, если отряды по устранению успешно справятся с потусторонними нарушителями.
Похоже маловероятно что этот проект является простым прибыльным экспериментом ради следования трендам. Как Пуха ясно объяснил в нашей беседе, Remedy не славится следованием тенденциям или созданием спин-оффов. Вместо этого Firebreak представляется как смелый, хотя и стратегический эксперимент со стороны разработчиков, расширяющих свои горизонты как студии с несколькими проектами.
1. Firebreak’s confusion about whether it’s a job or not, in my opinion, perfectly illustrates the current predicament surrounding live services. Although recent disasters have occurred, the live service business model, which focuses on shareholder returns, isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon. Two of this year’s most popular Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects with continuous updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady seem to be engaged in an ongoing struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, filled with engaging features designed to maintain a consistent player base. As Kayatta puts it, these developers are stuck in a loop of doing jobs and resisting them.
2. Firebreak’s doubt about whether it’s a job or not represents the ongoing debate over live services. Although disasters have happened recently, the live service business model, which is centered on satisfying shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s top Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a continuous battle against management who want every game to be treated as a job, filled with features designed to keep players engaged for extended periods. According to Kayatta, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and rebelling against them.
3. Firebreak’s uncertainty about whether it’s a job or not reflects the ongoing issue related to live services. Even though there have been recent disasters, the live service business model, which prioritizes shareholder satisfaction, isn’t likely to disappear soon. Two of this year’s most successful Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady seem to be engaged in an ongoing conflict with management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features intended to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta states, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
4. The uncertainty displayed by Firebreak about whether it’s a job or not encapsulates the ongoing dilemma surrounding live services. Despite recent setbacks, the live service business model, which focuses on generating returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s top Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to feel like a job, packed with features designed to ensure a steady player base. As Kayatta says, these developers are trapped in a cycle of doing jobs and fighting them.
5. Firebreak’s hesitation about whether it’s a job or not encapsulates the ongoing predicament related to live services. Although there have been recent problems, the live service business model, which prioritizes shareholder satisfaction, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most popular Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady seem to be in a continuous battle against management who want every game to function as a job, filled with features intended to keep players engaged for extended periods. According to Kayatta, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
6. Firebreak’s doubt about whether it’s a job or not symbolizes the ongoing challenge associated with live services. Despite recent troubles, the live service business model, which focuses on satisfying shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s top Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to feel like a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta puts it, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
7. Firebreak’s indecision about whether it’s a job or not captures the ongoing conundrum surrounding live services. Even though there have been recent issues, the live service business model, which prioritizes returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most successful Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady seem to be engaged in a continuous fight against management who want every game to function as a job, filled with features designed to keep players engaged for extended periods. According to Kayatta, these developers are trapped in a cycle of doing jobs and resisting them.
8. Firebreak’s confusion about whether it’s a job or not represents the ongoing debate over live services. Although there have been recent disasters, the live service business model, which focuses on satisfying shareholders, isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon. Two of this year’s top Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady seem to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta states, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
9. Firebreak’s uncertainty about whether it’s a job or not encapsulates the ongoing predicament related to live services. Despite recent setbacks, the live service business model, which prioritizes shareholder satisfaction, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most popular Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a continuous battle against management who want every game to feel like a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. According to Kayatta, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
10. Firebreak’s doubt about whether it’s a job or not symbolizes the ongoing challenge associated with live services. Despite recent troubles, the live service business model, which focuses on generating returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s top Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady seem to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta puts it, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
11. Firebreak’s hesitation about whether it’s a job or not captures the ongoing conundrum surrounding live services. Even though there have been recent issues, the live service business model, which prioritizes returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most successful Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady seem to be engaged in a continuous fight against management who want every game to function as a job, filled with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. According to Kayatta, these developers are trapped in a cycle of doing jobs and resisting them.
12. Firebreak’s indecision about whether it’s a job or not represents the ongoing debate over live services. Although there have been recent disasters, the live service business model, which focuses on satisfying shareholders, isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon. Two of this year’s top Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady seem to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta states, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
13. Firebreak’s confusion about whether it’s a job or not encapsulates the ongoing predicament related to live services. Despite recent setbacks, the live service business model, which prioritizes shareholder satisfaction, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most popular Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a continuous battle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. According to Kayatta, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
14. Firebreak’s indecision about whether it’s a job or not represents the ongoing debate over live services. Although there have been recent disasters, the live service business model, which focuses on satisfying shareholders, isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon. Two of this year’s top Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady seem to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta puts it, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
15. Firebreak’s doubt about whether it’s a job or not symbolizes the ongoing challenge associated with live services. Despite recent troubles, the live service business model, which focuses on generating returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most successful Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady seem to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta puts it, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
16. Firebreak’s hesitation about whether it’s a job or not captures the ongoing conundrum surrounding live services. Even though there have been recent issues, the live service business model, which prioritizes returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most popular Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be engaged in a continuous fight against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. According to Kayatta, these developers are trapped in a cycle of doing jobs and resisting them.
17. Firebreak’s indecision about whether it’s a job or not represents the ongoing debate over live services. Although there have been recent disasters, the live service business model, which focuses on satisfying shareholders, isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon. Two of this year’s top Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady seem to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta states, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
18. Firebreak’s doubt about whether it’s a job or not symbolizes the ongoing challenge associated with live services. Despite recent troubles, the live service business model, which focuses on generating returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most successful Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady seem to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta puts it, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
19. Firebreak’s hesitation about whether it’s a job or not captures the ongoing conundrum surrounding live services. Even though there have been recent issues, the live service business model, which prioritizes returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most popular Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be engaged in a continuous fight against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. According to Kayatta, these developers are trapped in a cycle of doing jobs and resisting them.
20. Firebreak’s indecision about whether it’s a job or not represents the ongoing debate over live services. Although there have been recent disasters, the live service business model, which focuses on satisfying shareholders, isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon. Two of this year’s top Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady seem to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta states, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
21. Firebreak’s doubt about whether it’s a job or not symbolizes the ongoing challenge associated with live services. Despite recent troubles, the live service business model, which focuses on generating returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most successful Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta puts it, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
22. Firebreak’s hesitation about whether it’s a job or not captures the ongoing conundrum surrounding live services. Even though there have been recent issues, the live service business model, which prioritizes returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most popular Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be engaged in a continuous fight against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. According to Kayatta, these developers are trapped in a cycle of doing jobs and resisting them.
23. Firebreak’s indecision about whether it’s a job or not represents the ongoing debate over live services. Although there have been recent disasters, the live service business model, which focuses on satisfying shareholders, isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon. Two of this year’s top Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta states, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
24. Firebreak’s doubt about whether it’s a job or not symbolizes the ongoing challenge associated with live services. Despite recent troubles, the live service business model, which focuses on generating returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most successful Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta puts it, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
25. Firebreak’s hesitation about whether it’s a job or not captures the ongoing conundrum surrounding live services. Even though there have been recent issues, the live service business model, which prioritizes returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most popular Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be engaged in a continuous fight against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. According to Kayatta, these developers are trapped in a cycle of doing jobs and resisting them.
26. Firebreak’s indecision about whether it’s a job or not represents the ongoing debate over live services. Although there have been recent disasters, the live service business model, which focuses on satisfying shareholders, isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon. Two of this year’s top Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta states, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
27. Firebreak’s doubt about whether it’s a job or not symbolizes the ongoing challenge associated with live services. Despite recent troubles, the live service business model, which focuses on generating returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most successful Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta puts it, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
28. Firebreak’s hesitation about whether it’s a job or not captures the ongoing conundrum surrounding live services. Even though there have been recent issues, the live service business model, which prioritizes returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most popular Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be engaged in a continuous fight against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. According to Kayatta, these developers are trapped in a cycle of doing jobs and resisting them.
29. Firebreak’s indecision about whether it’s a job or not represents the ongoing debate over live services. Although there have been recent disasters, the live service business model, which focuses on satisfying shareholders, isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon. Two of this year’s top Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta states, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
30. Firebreak’s doubt about whether it’s a job or not symbolizes the ongoing challenge associated with live services. Despite recent troubles, the live service business model, which focuses on generating returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most successful Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta puts it, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
31. Firebreak’s hesitation about whether it’s a job or not captures the ongoing conundrum surrounding live services. Even though there have been recent issues, the live service business model, which prioritizes returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most popular Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be engaged in a continuous fight against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. According to Kayatta, these developers are trapped in a cycle of doing jobs and resisting them.
32. Firebreak’s indecision about whether it’s a job or not represents the ongoing debate over live services. Although there have been recent disasters, the live service business model, which focuses on satisfying shareholders, isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon. Two of this year’s top Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta states, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
33. Firebreak’s doubt about whether it’s a job or not symbolizes the ongoing challenge associated with live services. Despite recent troubles, the live service business model, which focuses on generating returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most successful Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta puts it, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
34. Firebreak’s hesitation about whether it’s a job or not captures the ongoing conundrum surrounding live services. Even though there have been recent issues, the live service business model, which prioritizes returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most popular Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be engaged in a continuous fight against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. According to Kayatta, these developers are trapped in a cycle of doing jobs and resisting them.
35. Firebreak’s indecision about whether it’s a job or not represents the ongoing debate over live services. Although there have been recent disasters, the live service business model, which focuses on satisfying shareholders, isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon. Two of this year’s top Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta states, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
36. Firebreak’s doubt about whether it’s a job or not symbolizes the ongoing challenge associated with live services. Despite recent troubles, the live service business model, which focuses on generating returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most successful Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta puts it, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
37. Firebreak’s hesitation about whether it’s a job or not captures the ongoing conundrum surrounding live services. Even though there have been recent issues, the live service business model, which prioritizes returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most popular Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be engaged in a continuous fight against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. According to Kayatta, these developers are trapped in a cycle of doing jobs and resisting them.
38. Firebreak’s indecision about whether it’s a job or not represents the ongoing debate over live services. Although there have been recent disasters, the live service business model, which focuses on satisfying shareholders, isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon. Two of this year’s top Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta states, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
39. Firebreak’s doubt about whether it’s a job or not symbolizes the ongoing challenge associated with live services. Despite recent troubles, the live service business model, which focuses on generating returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most successful Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta puts it, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
40. Firebreak’s hesitation about whether it’s a job or not captures the ongoing conundrum surrounding live services. Even though there have been recent issues, the live service business model, which prioritizes returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most popular Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be engaged in a continuous fight against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. According to Kayatta, these developers are trapped in a cycle of doing jobs and resisting them.
41. Firebreak’s indecision about whether it’s a job or not represents the ongoing debate over live services. Although there have been recent disasters, the live service business model, which focuses on satisfying shareholders, isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon. Two of this year’s top Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta states, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
42. Firebreak’s doubt about whether it’s a job or not symbolizes the ongoing challenge associated with live services. Despite recent troubles, the live service business model, which focuses on generating returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most successful Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta puts it, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
43. Firebreak’s hesitation about whether it’s a job or not captures the ongoing conundrum surrounding live services. Even though there have been recent issues, the live service business model, which prioritizes returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most popular Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be engaged in a continuous fight against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. According to Kayatta, these developers are trapped in a cycle of doing jobs and resisting them.
44. Firebreak’s indecision about whether it’s a job or not represents the ongoing debate over live services. Although there have been recent disasters, the live service business model, which focuses on satisfying shareholders, isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon. Two of this year’s top Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta states, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
45. Firebreak’s doubt about whether it’s a job or not symbolizes the ongoing challenge associated with live services. Despite recent troubles, the live service business model, which focuses on generating returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most successful Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta puts it, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
46. Firebreak’s hesitation about whether it’s a job or not captures the ongoing conundrum surrounding live services. Even though there have been recent issues, the live service business model, which prioritizes returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most popular Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be engaged in a continuous fight against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. According to Kayatta, these developers are trapped in a cycle of doing jobs and resisting them.
47. Firebreak’s indecision about whether it’s a job or not represents the ongoing debate over live services. Although there have been recent disasters, the live service business model, which focuses on satisfying shareholders, isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon. Two of this year’s top Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta states, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
48. Firebreak’s doubt about whether it’s a job or not symbolizes the ongoing challenge associated with live services. Despite recent troubles, the live service business model, which focuses on generating returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most successful Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta puts it, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
49. Firebreak’s hesitation about whether it’s a job or not captures the ongoing conundrum surrounding live services. Even though there have been recent issues, the live service business model, which prioritizes returns for shareholders, isn’t going away anytime soon. Two of this year’s most popular Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be engaged in a continuous fight against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. According to Kayatta, these developers are trapped in a cycle of doing jobs and resisting them.
50. Firebreak’s indecision about whether it’s a job or not represents the ongoing debate over live services. Although there have been recent disasters, the live service business model, which focuses on satisfying shareholders, isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon. Two of this year’s top Steam games, Monster Hunter World and Marvel Rivals, are live service projects that receive regular updates. Many developers at studios like Rocksteady appear to be in a constant struggle against management who want every game to function as a job, packed with features designed to keep players engaged for long periods. As Kayatta states, these developers are trapped in a cycle of working on jobs and resisting them.
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2025-03-21 01:58